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"Come sail away with me as we embark on a journey of wonder and chocolate. "

style evolution

Before I bombard you with outfit pictures, I think it's only fair to give you a clear idea of where I started and how I got to where I am today.

.The early days.
(circa pre-k to 5th grade)
I love my mother. Truly I do. But, fashionable and her do not go together in the same sentence. Therefore in those precious formative years I was oft found in ratty, torn up sweats and wait for it...windbreaker pants. Yes those horribly annoying pants that gave you a swishy theme song whenever you took a step, and came in colors that shouted "LOOK AT ME" in case the swishing wasn't bringing enough attention the wearer. Sadly, I owned a pair very similar to the ones pictured below. (Minus the paw print and with stripes on the side.)

.Pre-teen angst at it's finest.
(junior high 6th-8th)
That was my t-shirt & jeans phase. Until this point, jeans were a novelty amongst the piles upon piles of sweats and swishy pants. Now that I had more access to them- I went mad with a fervor for denim. Jeans to school, jeans to church, jeans to parties. Wherever I could wear them I would. I owned one skirt; exclusively for special occasions like going to grandma's house. I had enough t-shirts to clothe the children of the world. T-shirts from tennis tournaments, summer camps, and school functions; you name it- I had it on a t-shirt. Think Mount Kilimanjaro with t-shirts...that was my middle dresser drawer. Mom gets a break on this one, I think the t-shirt love came from the other side of the family. Let's not even get into how many he owns... I still have quite a few but now they've been delegated to gym clothes and sleepwear. Grooming head-wise was usually optional in the mornings. I wore my hair in loose buns and liked my glasses frames emo.

.Early high school.
(9th - 10th grade)
Even more jeans and t-shirts! The pair seemed inseparable. And even on those rare occasions when I attempted to dress up...I still clashed HORRIBLY. My shoe collection consisted of two pairs of boots, sneakers, and a pair of vans slip-ons that were ripping.

(11th grade + beyond..because I like to think ahead)
I'm afraid to count the number of skirts I own. But I'll do it for your sake. 16. Sixteen skirts. What a huge jump from one. And from owning zero dresses (not counting the ones hiding in the back of my closet after piano recitals), I now have nine dresses (not counting things needing to be altered/fixed)- at least five of which I wear on a regular basis. And pants, well twelve pairs of those (most are jeans from previous years) and they grace my weekly outfits in trickles. In short, they are rarities. I think I wear jeans about once a month...if I remember to or have an off day. Now to my shoe collection. Well, let's just say that I'm going to give you a rough guesstimate and say I own seventeen pairs of shoes. Another huge, colossal jump in quantity. Not to mention I have more than one winter coat. Hair? I chopped it off over the summer which basically forces me to wear it out a majority of the time, and when I don't wear it out it's in a cute 50's styled up-do. Makeup? Yes please.

Here's a look at my current closet:




And my lovely hat collection, which I believe no girl should live without.

If I've done my job correctly, this entry has helped you to see the HUGE change that's taken place for me this year. I know you're just itching to see the transformation but I won't have an outfit post up until tomorrow.

Toodles my sweet little avocados!

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